The Founding of Tokyo and Love:The coming and the returning:Chapter 1
This is the story of a girl 74 years ago found the country of Tokyo,Japan. Her name was Shizuki Nami who lived in modern day Osaka in a village beyond the mountains who had not been discovered by the modern world and was completely cut off from mordern times.She is the heir to the water demon tribe from the village called Moushui but she is good as are all the other good demons in her village. At the age of 5 her family was killed by the War of Mayui in which her mother and father fought in along with her older brother Daicheki.Then she went to the holy temple in which her parents always talked about,but after living there for a month the real name for it was Giikouto Temple.Her new father was called Montae Nami who adopted her and cared for her and took her away from the temple.In which meant leaving the temple with the good monks of Giikouto. After 8 years of living with her new father she was beginning to be of age which meant finding a lover or mate and ...