The camping trip: part 1: kaname?!
The two teenagers looked at their foster father in confusion."A family camping trip?",Yuki asked. "Did I just hear him right?",Zero asked. "Yes you two a family camping trip, it gives us a break from the academy and the tension of work and lets us explore the great outdoors and see what mother nature has to offer." "OK.",the two teens said in unison."good now you two kids go get pack i have to tend to run some errands",and with that said kaien cross left the room,building,and sun dorms all together. "what was that about?",zero said. "i don`t know but i am going to start packing." Yuki went into her room and went to packing for the camping trip excitingly while zero slowly climbed up the stairs and into his room only packing a carrying bag instead of a duffel bag or a suitcase. kaien cross`s pov: I walked to the moon dorms and knocked on the door. ` I wonder why that man isn't here today? hmm.` The door i...